13 Disember 2010

Kod Telefon Bimbit Nokia

Nokia phones service codes

*#0000# - SW version
*#06# - IMEI
*#war0anty# - SIMLOCK info
*3370# - Enhanced Full Rate ON
#3370# - OFF
*4720# - alternative sound quality codec ON
#4720# - OFF
*#7780# - default factory settings
*#7760# - production serial no.
*#2820# - Bluetooth info.
*#73# - reset phone timers and game scores.
*#7370925538# - delete all the content of the wallet and the wallet code.
*#7370# - soft format — erases all telephone memory.
[Green]*3 - hard format — if only the telephone memory is formatted, puts back the attitudes and reboots
*#delset# - MMS/GPRS settings removal

NOTE: code depends on phone model


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