17 April 2010

Canon Printer Error Code

Canon Printer Error Code

English Version

E2-2 = No paper (ASF)
E3-3 = Paper jam
E4 = No ink
E5-5 =The ink cartridges are not installed or a non-supported ink cartridge is installed,or the ink cartridges are not installed properly
E8 = Waste ink absorber full, or platen waste ink absorber full
E9 =The connected digital camera / video camera does not support Camera direct Printing
E14 =The Ink cartridges whose destination are wrong
E15 =Ink cartridge is not installed
E16 =Ink remaining is unknown
E16-E19 = Failed to scan head alignment sheet
E22 =Carriage error
E23 =Paper feed error
E24 =Purge unit error
E25 =ASF(cam) sensor error
E26 =Internal temperature rise error
E27 =Waste ink absorber full or platen waste ink absorber full
E28 =Ink cartridge temperature rise error
E29 =EEPROM error
E33 =Paper feed position error
E35 15 =USB Host VBUD overcurrent error - USB
E37 17 =Abnormal motor driver error

Malay Version

E2-2 = tidak ada kertas (ASF)
E3-3 = Paper jam
E4 = tidak ada tinta/cartridge
E5-5 = ink cartridges tidak terpasang atau cartirdge yang terpasang salah (tidak compatibel)
E8 = absorber full, atau platen waste ink absorber full mita direset
E9 = hubungan ke digital camera / video camera tidak support
E14 = Ink cartridges whose destination are wrong
E15 = Ink cartridge tidak terpasang E16 - Ink remaining is unknown
E16-E19 = masalah pada scan head alignment sheet
E22 = Carriage error
E23 = Paper feed error
E24 = Purge unit error (bagian cleaning head)
E25 = ASF(cam) sensor error
E26 = Internal temperature rise error
E27 = ink absorber full or platen waste ink absorber full > reset dengan toolsnya
E28 = Ink cartridge temperature rise error -
E29 = EEPROM error
E33 = Paper feed position error
E35 15 = USB Host VBUD overcurrent error - USB
E37 17 = motor driver tidak normal
E40 20 = hardware lain error
E42 22 = Scanner error
E40 20 = Other hardware error
E42 22 = Scanner error


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